György Selmeczi: Te Deum 1914

“On the way to Galicia” A concert to commemorate the end of the First World War

Date and Time: 10/04/2018 19:30
Venue: Academy of Music

“On the way to Galicia” – cantata
Levente Gyöngyösi: Katonasirató (Dirge for a Soldier)
György Selmeczi: Te Deum 1914
Miklós Csemiczky: De Profundis
János Vajda: Memento 1914
György Orbán: Versus Psalmi

Ágnes Anna Kun – voice, Pál Oberfrank – prose, MÁV Symphony Orchestra, Honvéd Male Choir
Kálmán Strausz

For the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War, the Honvéd Ensemble commissioned a five-movement cantata for a male chorus from Miklós Csemiczky, Levente Gyöngyösi, György Orbán, György Selmeczi and János Vajda. The cantata was written for a symphonic orchestra, solo singer and a male choir. Each composer used texts related to Hungary and the First World War.

“A captivating programme whose validity points beyond itself,” wrote Kristóf Csengery after the premiere of the first three movements. “It is a warning cry against war, the wars of all times, a joint, ‘artistic rite’ for humanity, for peace.”

“The MÁV Symphony Orchestra played evocatively, with a rich sound, while the Honvéd Male Choir was resonant in the manner that we like so much, and which has been their attractive signature for a long time.”

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